
The use of information technology in the learning process

Nowadays, the role of information technologies in people’s life has increased significantly. Modern society has joined the all-historical process called informatization. This process includes accessibility of any citizen to information sources, penetration of information technologies into scientific, industrial, public spheres, high level of information service. The processes occurring in connection with the informatization of society contribute not only to the acceleration of scientific and technological progress, intellectualization of all kinds of human activity, but also to the creation of a qualitatively new information environment of society, ensuring the development of human creativity.

One of the priority directions of the process of informatization of modern society is the informatization of education, which is a system of methods, processes and software and hardware integrated to collect, process, store, disseminate and use information in the interests of its consumers. The purpose of informatization is the global intensification of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies: computer and telecommunication.

Information technologies provide an opportunity to:

  • Rationally organize students’ cognitive activities during the learning process;
  • To make learning more effective by involving all types of sensory perception of the student in a multimedia context and equipping the intellect with new conceptual tools;
  • To build an open educational system that provides each individual with his/her own learning trajectory;
  • Involve in the process of active learning categories of children with different abilities and learning styles;
  • Use the specific properties of the computer that allow individualizing the learning process and turning to fundamentally new cognitive tools;
  • Intensify all levels of the educational process.

The main educational value of information technologies is that they allow to create immeasurably brighter multisensory interactive learning environment with almost unlimited potential opportunities at the disposal of both teacher and student. Unlike conventional technical means of teaching, information technologies allow not only to saturate the student with a large amount of knowledge, but also to develop intellectual and creative abilities of students, their ability to independently acquire new knowledge, work with various sources of information.