information technologies

About the profession of Information Technology Teacher

The teacher of information technologies is a teacher whose activity is aimed at the formation of students’ knowledge in the field of aggregate methods and ways of obtaining, processing, presenting information, aimed at changing its state, properties, form, content and carried out in the interests of users.

In a broad sense, IT covers all areas of creation, transmission, storage and perception of information, not limited only to computer technologies. IT is often associated with computer technologies, and this is not accidental: the emergence of computers brought IT to a new level, just as television once did, and even earlier printing.

As a result of the activities of the IT teacher, students should:

  • Know basic information processes, structure, models, methods and tools of basic and applied information technologies, methods of creation, design and maintenance of systems based on information technologies;
  • be able to apply information technologies in solving functional tasks in various subject areas, as well as in the development and design of information systems;
  • to have an idea about the fields of application of information technologies and their prospects.

Nowadays information and knowledge are the basis of economic and social progress, the most important strategic resource. The process of searching, processing information and obtaining new knowledge on their basis is endless and inexhaustible.